Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I begged them to stop, but they just carried on laughing. With their high-n-mighty glares and deriding fingers pointing at me lying there in the dust, their chortles seemed almost inhuman. But, I vowed, one day - yes, one day - I'll rise above them. And, when i've the power to crush them under my feet, all i'll grant them is clemency. The kind of pardon that reinstates your status and authority. This i vowed through mud filled eyes and bloodied teeth. As i picked up my glasses and walked back, everything, even the sun and that hitherto benevolent edifice, seemed to cast a cold, uncaring gloom.
Then, that fateful day, as I strolled through an aisle in a library, it happened. As I browsed the radioactivity section, a sharp sting on the meat of my palm caused me to spring back with a start. I instinctively scoured my hand for signs of a prick (no allusion to it's rather unsavoury homonym), and I found one. Immediately I rummaged through the books to find my assailant. And as I did, I reeled, clutching on to a post for support. For there, staring back at me with it's glazed eyes, lay a radioactive bookworm, it's recumbent pose a sign of a job well done. Before I knew it the room blurred and the last thing I saw before everything turned black was the false ceiling.
I awoke to murmurs that rung familiar. "..... seen him around here very often........ kinda odd character, sticks to himself.......... ". I stood up when I'd come entirely to my senses, gathered my books and walked out without a word.
Over the weeks I began noticing a penchant for words. The daily jumble seemed to become childishly simple. The letters simply arranged themselves in front of my eyes! It was then that I realised it. It came to me almost like a scene from a movie. I'd been endowed with superhuman literary powers!! Eat my dust, Blake and Wodehouse! And those kids.... those kids, they'd pay now. Pay horribly. From this day on I would come to be known as....... Literor, master of words....

(If you're inclined to making smart-alec comments, save them.)


Blogger Citrus said...

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11:54 PM  
Blogger Laura Castelino said...

can i please, huh? huh? just one?? :p

12:07 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

Sure. go ahead.

12:06 PM  

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